Breast Augmentation Before and After Photos
Click Images below for a more detailed view. *Individual case results may vary.
Patient 107965
Breast Augmentation
Patient 2396
Breast Augmentation
Patient 108414
Breast Augmentation with Anchor Lift
Patient 2923
Breast Augmentation with Anchor Lift
Patient 914668
Breast Augmentation
Patient 107413
Breast Augmentation
Patient 2986
Breast Augmentation
BBA Exchange
BBA exchange process exchanged 325cc smooth implant to 475cc textured silicone implant.
Patient 104547
Silicone Breast Augmentation
Allergan Implant ruptured, replaced implants with Mentor 475cc Textured Moderate Plus profile.
Patient 914846
Silicone Breast Augmentation
400cc High Profile Silicone implants placed subpectoral through inframammary crease.
Patient 7375
Silicone Breast Augmentation
375cc Moderate Plus Profile Silicone implants placed subpectoral through inframammary crease.
Patient 1652
Silicone Breast Augmentation
375cc Moderate Plus Profile implants placed subpectoral through inframammary crease.
Patient 3169
Saline Breast Augmentation
330cc SALINE implants Moderate Plus Profile placed subpectoral through inframammary crease.
Patient 1464
Silicone Breast Augmentation
500cc High Profile implants placed subpectoral through inframammary crease.
Patient 9016
Silicone Breast Augmentation
Memory Gel 750cc High Profile implants placed subpectoral through inframammary crease.
Patient 9002
Silicone Breast Augmentation
Memory Shape High Profile Implants. Right Implants 375cc and Left Implants 400cc.
Patient 9018
Silicone Breast Augmentation
Memory Gel 400cc High Profile implants placed subpectoral through inframammary crease.
Patient 2869
Breast Augmentation
Silicone Breast Augmentation
BBA Moderate Plus 300cc implants placed subpectoral through inframammary crease.
Patient 107959
Breast Augmentation
Patient 914295
Breast Augmentation
Patient 913727
Silicone Breast Augmentation
Moderate Plus 400cc Silicone implants placed subpectoral through inframammary crease.
Patient 2171
Silicone Breast Augmentation
Moderate Profile 350cc Silicone implants placed subpectoral through inframammary crease.
Patient 9017
Saline Breast Augmentation
Moderate Plus 510cc Saline implants placed subpectoral through inframammary crease.
Patient 9019
Silicone Breast Augmentation
Moderate Plus 350cc implants with inverted nipple placed subpectoral through inframammary crease.
Patient 9005
Silicone Breast Augmentation
Memory Gel 400cc Moderate Plus
Patient 9007
Silicone Breast Augmentation
Memory Gel Moderate Plus implants placed subpectoral through inframammary crease 425cc on the right and 375cc on the left.
Patient 9013
Silicone Breast Augmentation
Memory Gel Moderate Plus 400cc implants placed subpectoral through inframammary crease.
Patient 9006
Silicone Breast Augmentation
Memory Gel 425cc High Profile implants
Patient 9001
Silicone Breast Augmentation
Memory Gel 500cc Moderate Plus implants
Click Gallery To View
Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction)
Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)
Chin, Cheek, & Lip Augmentation
Patient 9008
Silicone Breast Augmentation
Memory Gel Moderate Plus 400cc implants placed subpectoral through inframammary crease.
Patient 9010
Silicone Breast Augmentation
Memory Gel Moderate Plus 400cc implants placed subpectoral through inframammary crease.
Patient 9012
Silicone Breast Augmentation
Memory Gel Moderate Plus 400cc implants placed subpectoral through inframammary crease.
Patient 9014
Silicone Breast Augmentation
Memory Gel Moderate Plus 400cc implants placed subpectoral through inframammary crease.
Patient 9009
Silicone Breast Augmentation
Memory Gel Moderate Plus 400cc implants placed subpectoral through inframammary crease.
Patient 9011
Silicone Breast Augmentation
Memory Gel Moderate Plus 400cc implants placed subpectoral through inframammary crease.
Patient 9015
Silicone Breast Augmentation
Memory Gel Moderate Plus 400cc implants placed subpectoral through inframammary crease.
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6710 Blackstone Rd #201, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121